
I will scream from the rooftops;
And you will adjust your earphones.

I will go in yet again;
And you will continue the conversation.

I will tell you have trampled my heart;
And you will look at your shoes in wonder.

I will bring destruction sometimes;
And you will make a movie about it.

I will tell you of my soil erosion;
And you will make gods out of it.

I will get stained many times, from all the blood ;
And you will sing a National Anthem

I will stand in front of you ablaze;
And you will say you smell smoke.


~ Rhea

Last two days there is acute water shortage in our area.. When there is no water..Suddenly.. somehow..everyone was equal.. the building and the people in the slums both were pushed into a survival mode... Kids that I have seen play every day .. last night I saw them physically fighting and abusing each other.. over a bucket full of water.. and I am struck witnessing how little it takes for us for forget our humanness.. and I am hurting with two questions : 

Is the Veneer of our humanity really this thin..that a little threat to personal survival and we forget our humanity?? .. 

The way we are continuing on this earth very soon we WILL get into survival mode...will the annihilation of humanity happen with wars like this??

An Ode to the Bolero.