Now you see me

“Love is the Magician that pulls man out of his own hat “ - Ben Hecht

I have been a fan of Magic real and make believe for a while, Houdini and David Blaine are my favorites.. From time to time, I still go back to harnessing a day dream of being an on stage magician.

I just saw “Now you see me 2.” .. and I am awestruck. Because now I see it too.

Not just because of all the tricks and the magicians secret revealed bit, although that was great too.

The Movie really came together for me in the end… when Mark Rafalo , who plays Dylan , the central character and Morgan Freeman who plays Thaddeus Bradley Dylan’s fathers partner, after a cat and mouse chase - meet in  the end..

The whole movie starting from part 1 is about Dylan avenging his fathers death, when a final act of escaping the Iron chest goes wrong, and Dylan believes that Thaddeus is responsible for it since the two were rivals. Dylan spends 30 years of his life planning a revenge act and putting Thaddeus behind bars for life.

And in the end, after being setup by Thaddeus in the same chest that his father could not escape, this time with a little help, , Dylan manages to set himself free…and not just from the Iron chest.

The only way out is through – Thaddeus says with the characteristic smile on his face and  Care and Patience writ in large bold letters  across his face.

The perplexed Dylan, is told that the only reason the truth was not revealed to him was that while he though that he was after revenge  - he really was wanting redemption.
Redeeming himself as a son who “couldn’t save his father”  and  redemption on behalf of his magician father who couldn’t free himself from the iron chest ” . While he thought he wanted  was to cage Thaddeus,  what he was really after was to free himself.. something that Thaddeus saw and provide for.

This made me think of father and Son/daughter redemption?? How much time of our lives we spend on proving or disproving an incident and holding on to grudges.. and in the end just to find out, that all of this was really to become free ourselves.

I know. I have been there. With my relationship with my dad, who was more father in absence. It took my son to make me realize that my dad was also a man, who had his own journey and holding on to bitterness was really hurting me most. And my path to redemption was then to provide that love for my son and myself unconditionally.

 As I  wondered about Magic I figured that’s what it was about  - The wonder.

When we wonder we make up many many  scenarios… only to realize years later that  most of them …didn’t really happen.  But we make them up anyway to keep being right about our grudges. Because to be honest without the exaggerated versions of our stories, the grudges don’t really make sense…and so, neither do all the choices we make along the way.

In the end in the’s just ourselves that we have to set free.

A lot if it also has to do with seeing the other side of the story.

As a kid,  I was a performer. I loved my family who was always , a ready enthusiastic audience who thought I was the best, especially my mom.  I performed my own silly versions of magic shows, I would Pause after I visibly moved the coin from one hand to the other and then everyone clapped …

Again... the entire effort was to keep my hands empty ..THAT was the proof of good magic 

It was a Magic show, alright, except the Magic, was certainly not in what I did .. but in who I was becoming in the way my family was seeing and responding to me with love …

That, was what pulled me out of my own hat.

Leadership Agility and Lessons from the Humming Bird.

I live on the 7th floor and the Coconut tree practically wants to keep jumping into the house. I can literally lean over and “Pluck” a coconut. This is the first time I have seen a  coconut tree from this close and at this vantage point. But this is not about coconuts.
Last week as I sat sipping my morning tea and just looking at the tree swaying and noticing the little delicate pale yellow coconut flowers, I noticed a small tiny bird with a long sword-like beak come and suck the nectar out of these flowers. I was amazed at how deft the bird was in the face of all the crazy moving that was happening all around it.
 So far it was just a usual sight…
But given the nature of work I do as a Leadership and organizational consultant and designer and the more recent term that is being used pretty much in any leadership talk, the VUCA (Volatile- Uncertain-Complex – Ambiguous) world - my seeing had shifted…
 It’s how when you have one question on your mind and things around somehow keep becoming a hint to the answer…The question being “How does one respond effectively to this VUCA  world?”
 So back to the little bird….
 Based on my quick reference check (I also do some bird watching), I figured this a was a species  of ‘Humming Bird”. 
 So here was this hummingbird, small, trying to get the nectar out of an even smaller flower with a very narrow complex  opening,  on a tree which was constantly swaying.. in an uncertain way and also looking out for the aggressive crows which had built their nest on this same tree.
 I couldn’t help but notice the “Similarities “ of the challenge that this little bird was dealing with, with what many leaders and organizations are facing today.
 They have to constantly deal with disruptive volatile technological changes,  adapt to complex demographic needs, given the instant gratification syndrome, a very narrow “time” window to get the to the clients mind and ‘get the nectar” all this while dealing with the stress of competition that is mushrooming everywhere. -  A VUCA world indeed.
 I was now suddenly very alert and curious and my interest in how has nature evolved to solve and respond to its own vuca world?.  Given that in the evolutionary timeline nature has a proven record of perfecting, in real time, its own response processes and design.
 What are some lesson as leaders and organizations can we take from this hummingbird..
One thing as an ardent student of nature I am convinced about is that, nature  has the answers..albeit ..sometimes coded. Animals/birds  need to be agile to catch prey, escape predators, and outcompete rivals. And so Leadership Agility was certainly one theme to pursue.
 The dictionary meaning of Agile is Nimble, Supple, Dexterous, Acrobatic, graceful. Qualities that organization  and leaders today certainly look at building, being and demonstrating.
 So what does a Hummingbird do to be Agile?
Here are some of my Observations and lessons: 
They capitalize on their small size.
To start, let me quickly mention how small these guys can be. They average 8.5 centimeters in length, from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail, although the smallest, the Bee Hummingbird, is just over 5 centimeters long, weighing 2.2 grams.
Lesson 1: Small is good
With the fall of Giants, organizations and leaders alike, one thing proves itself.. that size matters. The days of BIG are gone. Small is in. Large IT organizations report that the challenge they face is not the other large IT companies but the ‘small’ boutique firms that are cropping up everywhere. And with customization, price point and turn around time being critical for clients, These small firms are slowly wriggling  their way in to the market. 

One of the IT clients I work with say, that their next strategic move is build / incubate “small initiatives” in-house. So that they are able to maneuver quickly and increase turn around time efficiently and be more responsive to their clients. An dhow they can know how " these small firms" think and move.
It flaps it wings..
Hummingbirds can flap their wings as fast as 52 wing beats per second, which enables them to stay in the air flying forward, backwards, sideways, up and down. 
Lesson 2 : Master the Art of Hovering
To hover is to stay still in mid air.
 What is important here is that while Agile is about movement, It’s not just about moving. Sometimes movement is about staying, (I know it sounds like a Zen koan ), but if you look at the hummingbird, with all the crazy moving around, the bird had to stay still to get what it wanted. And “hovering” is  what it did. It has to do a lot of wing flapping just to stay still.
 What leaders cannot afford today is to “React” to the stress and volatile situations. Decision making in mid air, literally on the fly needs a certain “Stillness” on the inside. And in order to do that it the lesson is to keeping making small moves repeatedly.  
The hummingbird moves it’s wings in a figure of 8 motion. This gives it the nimbleness and agility to move up down back left or right…depending on the changes in its environment.
 In my 20 years of experience, I have seen many "elephant" moves .. that One big change that the organization will invest their energy and resource to build, and I have seen the price… One of the biggest price is the sluggish unresponsiveness  to the changing times and soon becoming obsolete. There are many examples. Nokia, Life insurance to name a few.
It increases its metabolic rate and slows down.
Hummingbirds have the highest metabolism of any homoeothermic animal. To conserve energy when food is scarce, and nightly when not foraging, they go into torpor, a state similar to hibernation, slowing metabolic rate to 1/15th of its normal rate.
 I had only associated the word metabolism with losing weight, but when I looked up I came across this very interesting definition – Metabolism is the chemical processes that occurs within a living organism in order to maintain life and is synonymous with metamorphosis. Simply put the rate at which the Humming bird generates and uses its energy to maintain and transform itself -is high.
Lesson 3 :  Learn, Adapt, and Sustain.
To use the inputs, feedback, self-refection, Insights from people, employees, managers, stakeholders and environment to metamorphose – to create shifts inside in the way you perceive, in the stories that you hold to be true and need to change, in the way you tell the story of the yourself and the current situation and people.  And all in all, how do you use all this as a fodder to grow as a person and a leader – quickly while still leading.
 I met a leader a couple of months ago in a meeting and in response to a conversation about 360 degree feedback, he said, .."for the last 8 years I have been getting the same feedback". It made me wonder how did he see this? Did he see it as an inability of his peers to observe and give intelligent feedback or was he saying that he hadn’t changed in the last 8 years despite the feedback??
 Changing Mindsets and metamorphosis is hard work. Its is all very nice and poetic to give the example of the Caterpillar becoming a butterfly. What we forget or overlook is a crucial step in the process is the “Hibernation” period in the cocoon.  Between two states it needs to rest…Slow down.. allow time for the shift to happen. Mediations, Quiet times, mindfulness practices are not just a “soft skill” anymore . They are an imperative. To move from one state to another one needs to slow down and learn to assimilate.
Case in point
At Google - Search Inside Yourself (SIY) , a highly interactive course that blends evidence based mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and neuroscience to awaken the best in people and organizations. SIY has been offered to thousands of Google employees to help take leadership to higher levels of effectiveness, purpose and meaning. It was developed by a Google Engineer, a Zen teacher, a Stanford University Neuroscientist and the author of Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman.

Get the strokes right
It doesn’t just “Flap” is wings  fast – there is a unique flight pattern that it has engineered.  Hummingbirds engage in impressive wing strokes in which lift is generated in both the upstroke and the down stroke. Most birds can only produce lift in the down stroke using the upstroke merely for recovery. But most birds do not have the same agile wings as a hummingbird. During flapping, 75% of a hummingbird’s weight is supported by the down stroke, while 25% is supported by the upstroke. Most other birds are completely supported by the down stroke.
 Lesson 4 : Get the Stroke Strategy right
 Often organizations and Leaders , especially after attending a meeting, workshop, or conference will come back and “Implement” the newest insight rapidly. A Lot of frenzy, buzz and action is built around this… Very soon .. it dies down… just as quickly. Unless there is a strategy and muscle for “Sustainability” , the new initiative, like many before,  goes to the land of abandoned new initiatives.   
The other lesson from this is to see how to generate energy as much on the down stroke as the upstroke, which  means when things are not going well how can that be used as a creative opportunity to build capacity.
Case in point:
An Excerpt from HBR Interview titled  : “We Had to Own the Mistakes”
Howard Schultz stepped down as chief executive of Starbucks, in 2000, the coffee chain was one of the world’s most recognizable brands—and on a steady trajectory of growth. Eight years later Starbucks was suffering from a rough economy and its own strategic missteps, and Schultz felt compelled to return to the CEO seat. His previous tenure had seen promising growth, but now he faced a challenging mission: to lead a turnaround of the company he had built. Schultz discusses what it’s like to retake the reins in the middle of a crisis. 
 HBR: We thought we knew the Howard Schultz story. You had a vision, built a successful company, and moved on. But then Starbucks ran into trouble, and two years ago you had to return as CEO. How hard has it been to get things right?
 Schultz: The past two years have been transformational for the company and, candidly, for me personally. When I returned, in January 2008, things were actually worse than I’d thought. The decisions we had to make were very difficult, but first there had to be a time when we stood up in front of the entire company as leaders and made almost a confession—that the leadership had failed the 180,000 Starbucks people and their families. And even though I wasn’t the CEO, I had been around as chairman; I should have known more. I am responsible. We had to admit to ourselves and to the people of this company that we owned the mistakes that were made. Once we did, it was a powerful turning point. It’s like when you have a secret and get it out: The burden is off your shoulders.

It stays graceful and elegant throughout 
This tiny bird while dong this near impossible  tasks, 52 beast per second flying up ,down, front and back..remains graceful and elegant. the whole act is like watching a zen master  - a peaceful warrior  - a combination of beauty and strength 

Lesson 4 : Be elegant.
While doing this crazy balancing acts between Work - Life, Managing expectations of the employees, stakeholders and family, sometimes a certain crudeness creeps in and I have often marvelled at leaders who remain elegant while dealing with all this.
My all time favourite is J.R.D Tata ... 
To Summarize:
Lesson 1 :  Small is Good
Lesson 2 : Master the Art of Hovering
Lesson 3 : Learn, Adapt and Sustain.
Lesson 4 : Get the Stroke strategy Right
Lesson 5 : Be elegant

Last but not the least..and my favourite... 
It may be a good idea to hum as we go along amidst all the chaos. 

Future proofing - the role of fire and the process of Serotiny.

Fires destroy and fires also create. And Sometimes a heat experience is what is required in order grow. We have all had our share  of “Heat experiences” .. and know that something was born…as a result of it.

All that is great knowledge. I am going through   a heat experience right now and questioning it…in real time exasperation!!

Why is a heat experience necessary? Why don’t we learn what needs to be learned without all the fire burning…  why must it be so hard…

Why must we wait for that time / moment to go through the heat in order to grow…there is so much damage that happens in the immediate surrounding …is it worth it?? Can’t there be another way…

When I can’t figure something out I generally go to nature to look for some answers.. It an old childhood habit.

I grew up with grandma and a garden. And a space to ask lots of questions. No question was irrelevant or silly. We had lots of fruit trees which I watered everyday at 5am before going to school.  My grandma would tell me to be awake when I water ..Because “not all trees and plants need the same amount of water you must pay attention to the plant you are watering”.

Fair point.. I stayed awake.. This was an important early lesson in empathy from nature.

Anyway coming back to fires and growth experience.

As I was reading about fires…I came across forest fires.

I started reading about forest fires and how in ancient cultures, people pray for forest fires to happen. ..interesting !! I stumbled upon how certain pinecone forests..which have forest fires on regular basis grow to become large forests and how they spread far and wide…

This sounded almost counter-intuitive. .with so many forest fires shouldn’t the growth reduce?? How are they able to scale?

For some reason the world scale made me think of capitalism and fast growing businesses. Working as leadership design consultant, I realize,  this is also a question which a lot of organization are asking …

How can we grow can we scale.. How can we build capacity?. How can we future proof in a VUCA (volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous)  environment etc.

The very short answer from nature is “Serotiny

The Parallels are say the least.

I started researching a Particular type of pinecone called polelodge cones ..they are tall thick and dense forests….that you see in many beautiful postcards.

These types, need lots of sunlight to grow.. so as baby plants they tend to grow quicker and taller and compete with their neighbors.. all clamoring for the precious sunlight…


The competing rise to the forest growing very quickly and very soon a thick canopy of trees is formed. The trees now mature to give annual pinecones which have seeds for future trees….

So far everything is good.

But.. now there is also a problem…the problem of future readiness.

Again.. Classic fast growing organizations.

In a competing environment an attempt to outgrow each other and rise up quickly.. the trees have now created an umbrella which stop sunlight from penetrating down to the forest floor.

And, since these type of trees only grow in sunlight….the very condition that got them to grow, now will not allow the next generation to grow.

That which got you here.. will keep you here..

The seeds when they mature and  fall on the ground..fall onto a shady ground
pun not intended..

Some stronger ones attempt at growing but at best are shrubs.. a lot  of them die.. in the shade of their towering predecessors.

This poses a serious problem now for the sustainability and future of the polelodge  cones trees.

Due to the thick tight growth, forest fires are inevitable.. and when the burn down .. second in line is not ready.. because they have in a way sealed off their own future.

 This is no longer a technical problem ..It is now an adaptive challenge.

So what does nature do to problem solve... It comes up with a design thinking solution…

The cone trees create another set of seed cones called “Serotinous Cones”.  These are different from the regular cones which are open and hence spontaneously release the seeds which are eventually wasted..

Serotinous cones on the other hand are like a shut casing and need an “Environmental Trigger” to release their seeds..  They are produced in thousands and are like water proof time capsules sealed with a resinous pitch. Many are able to stay on the tree undamaged for years…and even when they do fall on the grown they don’t break open..  Like lie in waiting.

When the forest fires break and the temperatures get high enough….. the cones pop open and release the seeds.. which are then carried by the hot air to different locations with open sunlight ground and this is where they germinate and new trees are born. 

These Serotinous seeds actually use the fire to open up and travel to where they need to find a space where they can  grow…independently. Theses seeds..create the forest…that survives and thrives.

Mystery of fire as a growth propeller solved.

A few thoughts
For us an individuals’ and leaders leading organizations and are inherently interested in sustainable growth…

We have the normal pinecone seeds and we also have the Serotinous seeds.. which need the heat experience by design. Can we identify these two early on??

We don’t  have to wait for forest fires.. sometimes environment needs  to be created.. fires have to be triggered.. and not just think of the immediate “damage” but really think long term…you have no idea which seeds are really waiting for the heat.

Reflect on what and how can we learn from Serotinous seeds which use the heat to open and travel and grow…

How we build capacity for the future, will depend on need to build and harness Serotinous seeds.. and our millennials .

 Note to self: Whenever you go through a heat experience remember you are also a Serotinous seed. 
Use the heat to open  - to fly - to sprout. 

Chikki Bar

Travelling to Delhi and back is an ordeal in itself. To top it my flight was at 9pm. I had been working back-to-back from 8.30 am. And I had had a few really hard days emotionally and physically. All in all I wasn’t in any mood for gay.

After randomly browsing through people, on a very crowded airport, reminding me of Kolkata train station. People sitting on the floor with their bags..eating etc.,  I gave up.

I was reluctantly and rebelliously hungry, so I ordered a Pizza (eye roll).. Waited for 25 minutes and then answered to a butchered version of my name being called (a few times since I didn’t not recognize it I didn’t go to get my Spicy supreme Pizza) – He was annoyed  - I competed - He won.

I very roughly took the pizza ..balancing the Bag and the luggage bag looked around in vain at the over  crowded sitting notice who was ..about to get up.

A lady suddenly caught my eye and signaled me to go to their table..I did..thinking they were done. But she got up and offered me her seat..while still eating from her husbands plate. I was reluctant..but she insisted that I had too many things on my hands  (which was true in more ways than one)

When I still refused to sit..she held my hand sat me down and almost tucked me in.
And to not embarrass me further she turned away and got into a conversation with her husband.

I was touched ... to say the least at this generous random act of kindness, just when I needed it.

I looked around me at the cacophony of human beings and wondered at the collective potential for kindness… If only.

The food(not so much the Pizza) nourished my soul..

Waking up from this revere I suddenly realized that I was about to get late to board I rushed.. I tried to look for this angel lady but they had long since left. I offered a silent thank you prayer

I went off and after a long snake queue (in which I stood – normally I just sit it out) this day I felt I had a little spring in my step

As far as I was concerned my evening was made..with this touch of Magic.. but the universe wasn't done ..yet.

We got on to the bus that takes us to the flight.. I was standing with my earphones plugged in.. A very tall lady walked and stood in front of me. Still reading, “White Magic”. I smile to myself at the “Coincidence" and make a mental note of checking this book out. Another, hassled young mother of two kids also came and stood  next to me. The little boy of 2 kept making loud noises and gestures. Much to the embarrassment of this mother.

And then another person, an old important looking businessman in a grey business suit entered with the familiar laptop bag over filled. I noticed he was eating a chikki bar (An Indian sweet candy made up of peanuts and jaggery) in a rather fast hurried focused pace.. like he was hungry..or distracted...deep in his thoughts.  Before the bus got filled and moving he had  finished two bars.. I was amused.

The Chikki  looked good.. groundnut jaggery in a pink foil wrapper.
I had a sudden craving for sweet. I swallowed and looked away ..forcing myself to be distracted.

The man again reached out in his laptop bag and pulled out yet another chikki bar.. I noticed he had a bag full.

By now the little 2 year old boy and me were both eyeing the chikki that the man was eating.. the boy kept reaching out and I smiled at him..secretly telling him to ask for me too.

The mother, of course even more embarrassed kept telling him “to behave himself and not ask for things from strangers" ... I smile thinking what if the boy became a sales person.. he he he ... The tall lady also looked up and almost admonished the little boy.

It crossed my mind whether this incident would remain in the grown up memory of this little boy and would he hold himself back from asking for what he wanted…

The bus kept moving.
Not at the pace of my imagination, thankfully.

The man miraculously turned his attention from his determined focus on the chikki bar and caught the little boy drama..and good-naturedly reached out in his goody bag and pulled another chikki bar and offered it to the very happy boy..

This was my chance ... !!

Before I could catch myself.....I said,  “I also want one” .... Silence !!

He paused…
The mother paused..

It was comical... I swear, like  a road runner moment.

and the white magic lady looked up at me..I am pretty sure with a,  "I can't believe you just did that " look

I, well... I just waited … laughing in my head..

After this suspended moment the man registered what had just happened....

He grinned a big grin and said a  loud ... “Sure … of course.. they are really tasty” .. I know .. he suddenly morphed into a funnily dressed but really friendly Santa Claus.

I took that bar readily and happily. Our man.. suddenly felt so good at sharing offered it to the tall lady also ..who(very sophisticatedly) declined . Our man now caught in the flow, offered it to the driver of the bus..who was suddenly very happy as well.. somehow he was caught in the avalanche of giving…and almost noticing how much better it felt to not just eat alone.(of course worked great for me J )

The man and I laughed and the mother joined in, it looked like it had been a while that she hadn't laughed.... a few stray, also tired people ..who were pretending not to notice all this..also joined the laughter…

Suddenly from a somber tired irritated late evening.. it felt like a Christmas night.

We got off ..a very different bunch of people that when we got in...!!!

Santa Claus (you know who) .. was chuffed. And so were a lot of other people including the boy who was driving our bus..I don’t think anyone notices him.

And somehow everyone was a little more aware of the others around and wanted to see if they would also help and give something... It was one of those feel good moments video you see on youtube.

I didn't need to get on the flight and fly.. I was already high

As I sat down in my seat.. I was struck by two things …

The Power of asking like a child brought out the innocence of giving. And how both benefitted. 

I hope we can ask like the little child and not get struck with the grown up do and don’ts..and live with regrets.

and how it is so natural for human beings to want to be part of something which is inherently good and innocent. ..and how much of this we have forgotten in the process of growing up ..pretending to.

And yes..

Between the angel lady who tucked me in and Santa Claus who gave me 2 (yes) bars of Chiikki.. I felt really good and taken care of.

Note to self: Ask for what you want.and don't forget to thank the Universe

All in all Delhl trip was good.


An Ode to the Bolero.