Be an 'Anti-Virus' agent

I recently heard someone mention that seen from outer space, the Earth looked like an organism 'Infested' with virus of 'non-appropriate conduct' , which in pattern looked a lot like the formation of cancerous cells.

If this is true.. then I am also able to see ..'the Anti-Virus bodies' bonding and coming together..and the Movement is catching Momentum..

Last week , I had the privileged to attend a 2 days Summit on “Conscious capitalism” – presented by Conscious capitalism Institute CCI based out of USA

Here is a Talk by one of the Members , John Mackey :

The theme was, how can Capitalism be more conscious… how can we move from ‘Shareholder’ to ‘Stakeholder’ as a Practical Paradigm . How can Business be Leveraged. And How doing good IS good for business.

This organization is fairly new, and co-founded by Dr. Raj Sisodia, who has also authored the Book “Firms Of Endearment”

What Really caught my attention was :

• The foreword of this book talks about , how it was really the manifestation
of a Norman Lear, daring to listen to his “Inner Voice” 
• About bringing “Love” to Businesses - Def of love – “Selfless promotion of
the growth of the other” [Sarosh Uncle will Love this  ]
• Worlds Largest Ad Agency, Saatchi & Saatchi told brands to transcend from
Brand-mark to Love mark

In a nutshell it talks about how we are in the “Age of Transcendence” - Here is an excerpt

A Business Model for the 21st Century

“We’re entering an Age of Transcendence, as people increasingly search for higher
meaning in their lives, not just possessions. This is transforming the marketplace,
the workplace, the very soul of capitalism. Increasingly, today’s most successful
companies are bringing love, joy, authenticity, empathy and soulfulness into their
businesses; they are delivering emotional, experiential, and social value – not just

Why Am I writing this? - 3 Reasons

1. I think there is merit in connecting with them.
2. Also since most of us also connected to the “Business World:” in some form
or the other, I think it will be a good Idea if we come up with a “Model” of how do we Also
leverage this window.
3. The “Anti-Virus” needs to spread and spread fast.

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