Cloud Lines

It was a strange day.
Serene, quiet and eloquent  

The kite in my backyard
Was restless
Or so it appeared
It kept circling
Not bothered about all the loud crows that sounded scared.
It was looking
For something…

The lines that the clouds had drawn across the sky
Were neatly laid out
A little Too neatly I thought.
And everywhere …

I felt like I was in a game,
a cosmic game
But I didn’t know the rules

The lines
They looked like someone had thrown a bucket of cloud lines
across the brilliant blue sky;
And called out a pattern

And now
It was my turn.

I stand there looking up at the sky
Oblivious to the cacophony of the traffic on the road
And watch the cloud lines shift
Ever so slowly..
But the pattern is still intact

I feel like I am being asked to write something
on those lines
Pun not intended.

I am confused.
Suspending conclusion, thankfully.

And curious
And excited to read what I will write
And what will be the universe’ next move

I walk ahead
With a faint smile
Empty headed, almost
Light hearted
Sure footed.


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